Our Family Thankful Tree

Inspired by MetroTots, we started our thankful tree after one Sunday when our son, Amos, learned about people he is thankful for.  We were encouraged by his teacher to continue to exercise being thankful at home. 

We didn’t know if Amos knew anything about being thankful. Does he understand what we are saying? How are we going to teach it to him? Where do we start?  After all, he wasn’t even 2.5 years old.  So the exercise started.  Each morning we asked Amos the same question, “Amos what are you thankful for this morning?”.   As I thought about the big things like family, work, church, friends, community… etc. Amos always added the little things like water, lollipop, cars, choo-choo train, spoon...  This tree was to teach Amos what and who we are thankful for but it was reminding us parents that every little thing is given to us and we are blessed.  It’s teaching us to not overlook the good and the bad but be thankful for them all no matter the circumstance

MetroTots continues to have a huge impact in Amos and us, parents.  It’s encouraging to see at Amos’ young age he DOES get the concept of being thankful.  He may not understand it all but he is exposed and he gets it.  Amos’ love for praise and his interest in Bible study is not only done at home but he knows he has a community, his church, his MetroTots.  And so we are thankful for our community, Metro.

Submitted by Helen Lee
