Metro Kingdom Builders: Josephine Wei

‘Metro Kingdom Builders’ is a series highlighting the partners and people that make up, and serve, at Metro Community Church. This week’s Kingdom Builder is Josephine Wei!

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When did you start attending Metro and why?
My first time visiting Metro was in college nine years ago in 2010 after Pastor Peter spoke at KCCC's (Korea Campus Crusade for Christ) regional student conference called Vision Conference (now called Higher Calling). I remember being a little bit shocked at how vulnerable Pastor Peter was at the conference and how openly he spoke about social justice issues, and that drew me. At the time I intended for it just to be a visit, but shortly thereafter the college & career ministry at my home church disbanded, so I started attending Metro regularly on weekends when I visited home.

What stood out to you about Metro?
It quickly became apparent to me that the openness and authenticity I saw in Pastor Peter did not stop at the leadership and was and is core to Metro as a church community. I love that Metro is such a diverse community where I am constantly being encouraged and challenged to share openly and think critically and affect change in our communities out of our love for God. I love that even while we as a congregation are being taught to do those things, our staff will be the first to admit that we aren't perfect in how we do everything and are constantly learning and growing in how Metro can be a safer, more inclusive and more loving place to those on the margins of society... and then invite us in to be part of that journey. That's leadership.

What ministries are you involved with? What about those ministries made you want to serve?
I first started serving on the Sunday media production team in 2012 running ProPresenter slides. I was going through a really dark season at the time and every week I would find myself with a recurring internal battle: I knew that I wanted and needed to go to church (Holy Spirit in me), but when Sunday mornings rolled around I would inevitably find some excuse not to attend. I was familiar with ProPresenter (church presentation software) as part of my college ministry, so I signed up for production team as a way to "force" myself to sit in service on Sundays. Knowing myself, I was fighting a losing battle alone each week, but if I signed up and someone was expecting me, I had to be there. It worked like a charm.

These days I still serve on the production team, but am also on the Singles Ministry Core Team, which is where I devote most of my time. If you're unfamiliar, the Singles Ministry is for anyone not legally married (single, dating, engaged, divorced, etc.) regardless of age, which means it is probably one of the widest-reaching ministries in terms of population! Our singles do so much to serve and love on the other areas of the church that it is an honor and privilege for me to serve and love on them.

The Singles Ministry holds a really special place in my heart, because more than me making efforts to serve within it, the Singles Ministry has blessed me in so may ways: it's where I planned and attended my first Metro retreat, where I first met my soul mate, where I have formed many of my closest friendships today, where I was challenged to be the most open and vulnerable I have ever been in my life through sharing my lifeline with my discipleship group, where I'll be going on my first Zimele trip, and a lot more. I'd say that being in community within the Singles Ministry is the catalyst that pulled me out of that really, really dark and lonely place years ago. I don't think the Singles Ministry is that for everyone, but I do think that Metro has a micro-community like that for everyone.

I also co-lead a small group with Coco Kim, and am a High School Ministry mentor who just watched her mentee graduate from high school.

What do you do outside of Metro?
Career-wise, I was most recently a Human Capital Consultant focused primarily on implementing SAP SuccessFactors Compensation. However, I left my job in early August to attend business school at Columbia for the next two years, so I've spent a lot of time recently preparing for school, slowly packing my things to move, etc. I also enjoy being active so I like hiking, playing flag football (GO METRO!), taking Orangetheory classes, and pretty much anything else that involves moving around (except running). A lot of my Sabbaths are spent being really active (or really, really sedentary).

What does transformation mean to you? Have you seen or experienced transformation through Metro?
Transformation is the Holy Spirit at work in you to bring you closer and closer to who God made you to be, and deeper and deeper into intimacy with Him. What I've learned about transformation is that it can range from very, very healing to very, very painful, but it is never complete and is always done in community. We are constantly being made new and going from glory to glory to glory.

What is one thing you want people to know about you?
In the same vein as my Metro Kingdom Builders predecessors, I am an introvert! That said, I love meeting up with friends and getting to know people over food in small groups or in one-on-ones. This is an open invitation to grab a meal/coffee with me before I move to start school.

What brings you the most joy?
Hot Cheetos, Ferrer Rocher, Rita's Black Cherry/Vanilla Gelati, and creating space for people to meet with God - whether that be at retreats, in small groups, at lunches, on the football field, at events and conferences, or at barbecues.

Anything else you want to share?
I think I just want to reiterate that Metro is full of micro-communities and there is a place for everyone here. It may not be in the first small group you join or first ministry you visit, and it may take some time and will take a lot of effort, but that's okay.

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