This is MetroKids!

Hi everyone!

For those of you who don't know me, my name is Hanna Kim and I am the preschool MetroKids teacher for first service. I can't believe that it's already been 9 years since I started going to Metro and 5 years serving in MetroKids. I guess time flies when you are having fun :P Anyways, I just wanted to share about what an awesome ministry MetroKids is.

A typical Sunday at Metrokids starts when the parents drop off their children. Each parent is given a tag with a barcode (like the one you use at supermarkets) that they scan when they drop off their kids. The parent and the child both get a name tag with a unique code that the parents use to pick up the children.  

The children then go to the large group room where there will play with toys and read books until the service starts. Michelle Nam then leads worship with the kids. After worship, Pastor Shirley or Betty with go over the sermon with the kids and they watch a video about a story from the Jesus Storybook Bible.

The children are then broken up into classes by age group which ranges from Preschool to 3rd grade. Each class has a teacher and an assistant.  During class time the teacher reinforces the lesson, goes over the memory verse, and plays games or do a craft. The assistant helps the teacher by taking the kids to the bathroom or preparing the supplies for the lesson. The kids then have snack time and are dismissed.

The misconception is that if you are a Sunday teacher you will have to teach the lesson each week. There are actually other ways you can serve too. There is the role of the assistant which is for people who do not feel comfortable speaking in front of the class. The role of the assistant is to love on the kids and help the teacher out with whatever he/she needs. You can also be a sub which means you will be teaching every other week and helping out when a regular teacher needs a break.

I always say that MetroKids is the best ministry at Metro, although I may be a little bit biased ;) In the Bible Jesus says, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."  Sometimes I go to MetroKids feeling down, but then a child gives me a hug or tells me that he/she loves me and it instantly makes me feel better. I pray that God will reveal His love to me through the children. A child's faith is so special and nothing else is quite like it.

If you love kids please stop by and observe a service! I am convinced that Metro has one of the best looking and cutest children ever (even though I may be a little biased hehe). If you want more information please email Pastor Shirley at Once you see the children and spend time with them you will be hooked like I was 5 years ago. You can also speak to anyone you know that might be a MetroKids teacher and they should be able to give you more information too. I hope that if you are not currently serving, you will be able to get plugged into a ministry that is the right fit for you whether it be MetroKids, Frontline, Breakdown, or any of the other ministries at Metro.

Lastly I just wanted to remind you that Jesus is your superhero!  :)

