Ask A Question

Pastor Kevin, 

Do you like to read the Bible? How do you read it?

I didn’t really like reading the Bible until I began to understand 3 things. The first was that God chooses to reveal himself to me. The second was that I am messed up and completely separated from God because of sin but he has a remedy for that. And finally, that God loves me fiercely and gives me guidance to live the best possible life. When I realized that all three of those truths and more are found in the Bible, my motivation to read the Bible increased significantly.

I make sure that I am always reading from the Bible in some kind of organized manner. I read the Bible regularly, usually at the beginning of my day. I never set a specific amount to read. I give myself permission to re-read today what I already read yesterday. I read expecting to learn something new about God or myself.

(Do you have a question? Email it to Linda at and she will find the right person to answer your inquiry)
