Playdates: They’re Not Just For Kids

We took a bunch of pictures trying for that one good one where the kids are still, hopefully looking at the camera, maybe even smiling (parents, you know what I mean, right?!). This is what we got, haha.  We’re missing some people, especially all the siblings who were busy playing elsewhere and some families that couldn’t make it out in the end (we missed you guys!)

MetroNursery - the kids’ ministry for children under the age of two - held its first playdate of the year this past Saturday. There was time for the kids to play. There was time for parents to talk. We had food. But this was not your typical playdate - there was an intentional spiritual component to our time together. We parents took time to pray for our children and sing worship songs with them. As the spiritual leaders in our children’s lives, we acknowledge the need to ask for God’s help to teach our kids about Him even from this early age.

I sense there is a deep need and desire for more fellowship and community in the Nursery, as well as throughout Metro and beyond. I hope that these playdates and other activities can help parents and children, entire families, grow closer in relationship with God and one another. That we can better support and care for one another in God’s love. That our lives be transformed to be more like Jesus so we can be transformational. That we be blessed and bless others.

We will have more playdates and other gatherings in the future. We also plan to start song and Bible story times on Sundays in the Nursery in the fall. If you would like to be a part of it and be added to the MetroNursery email list so you can be kept in the loop about playdates and other things happening in the Nursery, please feel free to send me an email!

Anna Hong
Director of MetroNursery
