God's love - a lasting, real mountain top high

I've been to Camp Squanto three times, including this summer. Every time I feel God's presence and come home on a spiritual high.

This time was no different. On Wednesday night, after our evening service that consisted of praise songs, a powerful sermon from Pastor Phil about the power of God's love, and connecting with one another, was The Call. All campers were invited onto the Big Field where counselors were seated with candles in front of them. We sat with the counselors of our choice and, under the clear sky and bright stars of Swanzey, NH, talked and prayed for one another.

I heard the stories of girls who had been bullied relentlessly, pushed into a deep, dark depression by mean people and high expectations, and one girl who, in the past year, had two death threats. These girls are loved by God more than they know, so, I wondered,  why couldn't I, with my good family, friends, and life on track, feel His love?

I then talked to God like He was my friend, which I'd never really done before. I felt a feeling of pure bliss and an unexplainable energy wash over me. Tears ran down my face because I knew then that God was with me and his love surrounds me. Pastor Phil was right. God's love overcomes all. 

Submitted by Katie Vinson
