Thank You, Heather!

Metro and Frontline have been so lucky and blessed to have Heather as part of our church family and community. This bride-to-be (will tie the knot in just a couple of weeks) is heading to Westchester where she will be living with her husband. They will be looking for a new church home together. We wish you all the best, Heather.  We love you!

As we say goodbye - we ask Heather some questions:

How long did you attend Metro?
Since January, 2010

How long were you a partner?
This is a bit embarrassing - only for about 2.5 years.  I kept resisting the fact that I wasn't going to leave New Jersey soon!  

What do you love most about Metro? 
The diversity! The fact that all people come to Metro with an openness to each other and that our bond / commonality is in Jesus (not our ethnicity, occupation, or socio-economic background) is very unique and what drew me to Metro in the first place.  

How long have you served on FL?
Since April, 2010.  I jumped right in!  

What do you love most about FL? 
Just one thing? For me, personally, it blends my desire to serve in a tangible way with my love for greeting people and trying to make all feel welcome.  Also, the people who serve on Frontline really are the best.  I have been so blessed to be a part of this group of people who really do make Frontline the coolest ministry at Metro! 
