Partners in Transformation: Dennis Kwon

Get to know more of your Metro community with our series, Partners in Transformation, where we highlight all of the people that make up the membership of Metro Community Church. Our Partners have not only decided to officially call Metro their home place of worship, but are co-owners of the vision and mission of our church. This week’s Partner is Dennis Kwon!


When did you start attending Metro?
I started attending Metro in the summer of 2010. My wife, Janet, and I, along with our two kids, Leah and Isaiah, had just relocated to NJ from NYC, shortly after Isaiah was born. We were looking for a local church to call our home and Metro was on our short list. One of my closest high school friends had also been attending Metro and helped us to feel welcome there.

What stood out to you about Metro?
Metro reminded me a lot of my church back in California, Great Exchange Covenant Church. During our first few visits to Metro, I experienced a strong sense of community, openness, and a heartfelt mission to serve God both globally and locally. I was also intrigued by Pastor Peter's extreme vulnerability when he preached. Lastly, Metro seemed to genuinely value diversity (racial, cultural, socioeconomic), which was something Janet and I had hoped for in the church we, and our children, would eventually call home.

What ministries are you involved with? What about those ministries made you want to serve?
I am currently a member of the Worship ministry at Metro. I have also been involved in small groups and the Metro Men's ministry to varying degrees. Worship, through art/music, and small group community have always been central to my own spiritual growth journey, so I feel extremely blessed and privileged to be able to serve in these ministries. I have found serving to be a great way to connect with my Metro family and it has enabled me to experience the joy and love of God in a very tangible way.

What do you do outside of Metro?
Outside of Metro, I've been in the tech sector for almost 15 years now. Currently, I work in engineering at Facebook. Outside of work, I spend most of my time these days trying to keep up with my three kids, Leah, Isaiah and Benjamin. Since having kids, I've been on a bit of a fitness journey involving Spartan Races, triathlons and long bike rides. When I'm not working or training, you'll most likely find me tinkering with gadgets, cameras, power tools, or riding around on an assortment of electric bikes and scooters. :P

What does transformation mean to you?
To me, transformation is to experience perceived and lasting change in appearance, thought, or behavior. When it comes to my spiritual journey, I view transformation as an evolution of my relationship with God from one state to the next. One thing I've come to learn while being at Metro, is that the next state isn't always what I had imagined it would be when this all began. I wish I could say my transformation has culminated in me being the perfect father, husband, brother, son, and a constant beacon of God's love to all those around me; however, I am reminded daily that I am still just a work in progress.

Since coming to Metro, I have experienced transformation in the way I pursue God, the way I define my self-worth and love others, and in the way I perceive racial injustice in our country and in the world. My journey feels less than 1% complete, but I am trying not to fixate on where I am going and instead learning to let go and trust His lead.

What is one thing you want people to know about you?
I am an ENFJ (Extraversion, INtuition, Feeling, Judgment on the Myers Briggs personality scale) but started as an INFJ. I guess that means I am an introvert who loves to hang out! :P Before having children, I would have friends over at least 3-4 times a week. In my early working years, my roommate and I built homemade stadium seating and installed a massive projector screen in our home to host movie and game nights every weekend. All this to say, kids certainly complicate things, but I would love to hang! (as long as it is after my kids' bedtime, and particularly if it involves board games, desserts, random home improvement projects, or karaoke. Lol).

What brings you the most joy?
I'm a hyper competitive person, so winning brings me a lot of joy. I once won a free Macbook Pro at the Apple Store and you should have seen the smile on my face. Ear to ear baby! In all seriousness though, my family brings me the most joy! Few people know me like they do, and can drive me crazy like they do; but after a really hard day, or in those moments worth celebrating, there is nowhere else I would rather be than with Janet and my three munchkins.

Anything else you want to share?
In case you couldn't tell from my answers to the above questions, I have an amazing wife, Janet, who has a humongous heart and is incredibly patient with me. :D She has to be to put up with all of my crazy habits and hobbies! Be sure to stop by and say hello to her if you're passing by the Tots room on Sundays!
