Metro Kingdom Builders: David Lee

‘Metro Kingdom Builders’ is a series highlighting the partners and people that make up, and serve, at Metro Community Church. This week’s Kingdom Builder is David Lee!

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When did you start attending Metro?
I started attending Metro in November 2017, shortly after I relocated to the NY/NJ area. I was church-hunting for a bit and fell in love with Metro because of its heart for the local community. It was apparent from day 1 that the church acts on its conviction (e.g. Thanksgiving food drive, toys for kids with incarcerated parents, middle school basketball ministry, etc).

What stood out to you about Metro?
Other than its love for the local community, Metro is unique in its openness around pain and suffering. The outpouring of love by the church for individual pain and suffering unites its congregants. Metro also has a vibrant, rapidly growing singles community! (Wow that sounds really sale-sy)

What ministries are you involved with?
I teach bible study for the high school ministry (seniors) and lead an adult small group on Sundays. I think my involvement in both ministries was pretty organic - I saw an opportunity to fill a need and God gradually placed a heart in me to make an impact. I do have a little sister who is more than 10 years younger than me and this has also grown my heart for the youth.

What do you do outside of Metro?
My weeks are pretty simple. I love the gym and staying active (I’m one of those weird people that loves cardio), especially playing pickup basketball. I’ve been trying to get into golf lately. I work in strategy/operations in software and spend more time in the office than the typical 9-5. I’m pretty driven and always looking for ways to be a better version of myself.

What does transformation mean to you?
Transformation, personally, is the continual exercise of finding my self-worth in Christ rather than my accomplishments. I’ve found that this kind of transformation has happened only through low points in my life. I think when things go well, there’s not a lot of room for God in my heart - He’s had to empty me through some valleys to do His work.

What is one thing you want people to know about you?
I want people to know that I’m not really present on social media (no Instagram, Snapchat) and a pretty bad texter. All about face to face time :)

What brings you the most joy?
The thing that brings me lasting joy is recognizing when God opens a door to share the gospel with someone in life that I’ve been developing a relationship with. There’s something exhilarating and humbling in being able to answer His call in this way.

Timm Chartier