Metro Kingdom Builders: Dan Bailey

‘Metro Kingdom Builders’ is a series highlighting the partners and people that make up, and serve, at Metro Community Church. This week’s Kingdom Builder is Executive Pastor of Metro, Dan Bailey!


When did you start attending Metro?
I began to attend Metro off and on during the months of March and April of 2019. I had heard about Metro from a few different people who I worked with at Nyack College. I noticed they each spoke fondly of Metro and were all very genuine people. When my interim preaching role at Calvary Alliance Church concluded at the end of February, I was looking for a place to plug into and decided to visit Metro for a Sunday Service. I never visited anywhere else.

What stood out to you about Metro?
Right off the bat I was impressed with the welcoming nature of the people which made it feel easy to assimilate into the service on Sunday morning. The worship was powerful but what was most compelling to me was the vulnerability of Pastor Peter Ahn. I found his approach refreshing and was able to connect with God in a deep way through the messages I heard.

What ministries are you involved with? What about those ministries made you want to serve?
Well, little did I know that attending Metro would connect me to Kevin Swanson - Metro's former Executive Pastor. I learned that he would be leaving soon, and since my position at Nyack College had been eliminated due to their decision to close the campus I worked for, I was exploring my options including the possibility of ministry. To make a long story short, I followed the breadcrumbs of God's leading and by the middle of May accepted the honor of following Pastor Kevin to serve at Metro as the new Executive Pastor. This adventure began on May 28, 2019.

What do you do outside of Metro?
As mentioned, now I work at Metro so this is both where I work and worship. The kingdom mission of Metro gets me out of bed each day compelled by love and the joy to play my role. In my free time, I do enjoy watching and attending both College and NBA basketball games when I can. Beyond that, I am always trying to find a reason to convince my kids, who are all grown, to come visit me!

What does transformation mean to you?
Transformation to me means a change from deep within. Rather than behavioral conformity, transformation is the growing into who God made me to be in Christ and trusting the leadership of the Holy Spirit to conform me to the image of Christ from the inside out.

What is one thing you want people to know about you?
The one thing I want people to know about me is that God is good and my life is a testimony to that truth. Not because its been an easy life or always exemplary, but because God has been faithful even at my worst and His love towards me has never wavered. His kindness has changed my mind about who He is and who I am as His son.

What brings you the most joy?
Being a father has been my greatest earthly joy. I love kids in general and enjoy pouring into to the next generation.

Anything else you want to share?
I am so grateful for the blessing that Metro is to me and am excited to see how God wants to use us as His body within the city of Englewood and beyond in the days to come.
